Annual Report 2019

It is with great pleasure that I present to you the Shenton College Annual Report for 2019. Once again, our College’s achievements embody our shared values: those of Care, Curiosity, and Collaboration. Shenton College’s holistic educational focus strives to develop both the academic and non-academic traits of a child. The consistent message that we look to communicate through all our touch points with our community, including this Annual Report, is that whilst academic progress is important, it remains only one part of a child’s development. Our “Much More Than Marks, Learning for Life” motto is borne out of a College that seeks to develop more than just the academic citizen.

Michael Morgan, Principal

Annual Report 2019

Welcome Meredith

Meredith Eddington is the new Alumni Manager at Shenton College.  Meredith has been appointed to help alumni from Hollywood SHS, Swanbourne SHS and Shenton College and one of the key areas she is looking to support is school reunions. If any alumni year group wishes to hold a reunion, Meredith is here to help organise a venue, catering and will help you to source and find memorabilia from your time at school.

For a reunion to work well people from that year need to gather their fellow alums together – find them & encourage them to attend, usually later in the year (October to December). This gives people living interstate & even overseas time to plan a trip home.

Meredith will also play a role in helping the College in the process of setting up a database to further establish a Shenton community and alumni will be an important part of this group.  As we collect information it will be recorded in the graduating year, the Class of 1970 or 1980, etc. and made available to use for school reunions and other events. More information about the database soon.

Meredith will also play a key role in organising our celebrations this year as Shenton College turns 20. A 20th Year Celebration Cocktail Party is being held later in the year outside on our new landscaped terracing in front of Borneo house. More information on this event soon.

Our thanks go to our College P&C for their support of this valuable initiative.

Please email Meredith at if you wish to discuss anything alumni and/or events.